
Featured Experts Archive

Featured past seminars speakers:

Dr. Jeffrey Pfeffer, Stanford Graduate School of Business, US

Dr. David B. Yoffie, Harvard Business School, US

Dr. Jules Goddard, London Business School (LBS), UK

Dr. Robert G. Cooper, Product Development Institute, Canada

Dr. Peter Moran, London Business School, UK

Dr. Julian Birkinshaw, London Business School, UK

Dr. Nader Tavassoli, London Business School, UK

Alan Matcham, London Business School, UK

Dr. Mary Yoko Brannen, INSEAD, France

Dr. Jean-Benedict Steenkamp, University of North Carolina, US

Dr. Jan-Willem Grievink, Erasmus Food Management Institute, Netherlands

David Russo, SAS Institute, US

Dr. Erkko Autio, Imperial College London, UK

Dr. Liisa Valikangas, Helsinki School of Economics, Sweden

Dr. Costas Markides, London Business School, UK

Dr. Nirmalya Kumar, London Business School, UK

Dr. Gareth Morgan, Schulich School of Business, Canada 

Dr. Zeger Degraeve, London Business School, UK

Dr. Niels Gorm Malý Rytter, Aalborg University, Denmark

Dr. Kim Hua Tan, Nottingham University Business School, UK

Dr. Daniel T. Jones, Lean Enterprise Academy, UK

Dr. Tazeeb Rajwani, Cranfiels University and London Business School, UK

Laith Dajani, INSEAD Abu Dhabi Campus, United Arab Emirates

Dr. Alexey Bogdanov, Cranfield Management Association, UK

Todd Snelgrove, SKF Group, US