If you are not satisfied with your business’s new product results…
- A low-impact product innovation effort
- Too many low-value projects in your pipeline
- Projects taking too long
- Too many projects not hitting their sales and profits targets
Then now is the time to take action. The trouble is, what action?
A reliable, comprehensive evaluation of your product innovation practices & performance can save you time and money by helping you to better understand which specific aspects of your innovation efforts are working and which areas require attention.
The performance results you could achieve, according to our top 20% firms, are dramatically higher than the average or typical business performance in product innovation.
PI-Assessor is product evaluation and diagnostic tool, which:
- Evaluates your new product development process, practices and performance
- Benchmarks your practices and performance against 2,500 other leading firms in our database… including our top 20% benchmark firms
- Evaluates your new product practices in 18 critical areas – the Critical Success Drivers of new product performance
- Highlights your strengths and weaknesses on these success drivers which are known to drive performance; benchmarks results against the best research data available; and displays the results in a professional, easy-to-read and understandable format so it is immediately evident where to focus your efforts.
11 Performance Metrics Are Measured & Benchmarked:
- Two new-product vitality indexes – percentage of sales & profits from new products
- Your success rate of new-product projects
- Your failure & kills rates
- Percentage of your projects meeting profit, sales & market share objectives
- Your on-time performance & your slip rate
- Your on-budget performance
Benefits of a PI-Assessor Evaluation:
- PI-Assessor helps you identify where you are weak in new products, where you are strong and what needs to be fixed.
- PI-Assessor helps secure the active involvement – a shared view and buy-in – of key people in your business into needed changes in your product innovation efforts.
- PI-Assessor represents a valid view of your business's strengths and weaknesses. Up to 20 knowledgeable, carefully-selected people take part in providing the survey and opinion data in your business.
- PI-Assessor has high credibility and validity: It is based on the widely-published NewProd series of research studies, initiated and largely undertaken by Dr. R.G. Cooper, global guru in the field of product innovation